What role(s) are you actually playing in your life?

Sometimes we tend to push our emotions away. We want to get rid of them, especially if they are negative or stressful. As you may have already realized, this only works to a certain extend – emotions are there for…
Our basic emotions are the ones we’re born with. They show up in every person regardless of their specific socialization. Even though different cultures teach us how to behave, how to deal with and how to express our feelings –…
Yes, life is busy. Yes, it’s super hard to take time to relax. If you’re stressed enough to not have a few minutes per day for relaxation, then this is your sign that you should DEFINITELY make time to relax.…
Being grateful can allow us to get a new perspective on life on a daily basis. If you’re feeling good, collect as many beautiful moments as you like.If you’re going through a rough patch, think about a “neutral” or the “least…