About accepting your negative emotions!

Accepting your negative emotions: sadness, anger, fear and guilt can weigh heavily on us; but every emotion has meaning and justification.

Learning to accept negative emotions - free initial session - anger - fear - grief - guilt - shame - acceptance

Feeling negative emotions can be very stressful. Whether it’s sadness, anger, shame, guilt, frustration, disappointment, fear… we often wish we didn’t feel these emotions in the first place.

However, every feeling has its purpose and justification. Negative feelings do not arise without a reason; they are caused by behaviour, situations or environmental factors and are a natural and healthy reaction. However, many people are uncomfortable with negative feelings because they may have learnt during childhood that such feelings are not allowed; or because they can feel them very intensely in their bodies; or because they don’t know how to act out and channel those feelings appropriately.

Pushing away and suppressing negative feelings leads to physical and psychological distress in the long term, such as pain, tension, panic attacks, sleep disorders and general dissatisfaction.

Accepting and becoming aware of negative feelings helps you take on a holistic approach of being human and encourages you to come to terms with your self-worth, your innermost needs and interpersonal relationships.

Accepting your negative emotions! Consciously take a few moments to give your negative feelings space. Try this exercise: establish a safe place with your index finger by touching it with your thumb and thinking intensely about a situation in which you are completely relaxed. Then go from finger to finger and allow each negative emotion to be there for a while: the middle finger stands for anger, the ring finger for sadness or despair, the little finger for guilt or shame. You can assign negative emotions of your choice to the individual fingers; in any case, it’s important that a safe place for closure has been established. Finally, end the exercise by touching your index finger to return to your safe place.

How do you deal with negative feelings? Would you like to learn more exercises of this kind and reflect on how you deal with negative feelings in everyday life?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#emotions #sense #room #safeplace

Learning to accept negative emotions - free initial session - anger - fear - grief - guilt - shame - acceptance