Early warning signs – about the prevention of mental illness episodes!

Early warning signs – definition and handling! Early warning signs can arise before an episode of mental stress or illness occurs.

Early warning signs: Definition and handling - early warning signs - free initial session - changes - sleep disorders - episode

Early warning signs are what we can observe before an episode of mental stress or illness occurs and are therefore essential components of prevention and treatment. Early warning signs vary depending on the type of illness and can also differ from person to person. It is essential to get to know and familiarise yourself with your personal early warning signs that might announce an episode in order to take care of yourself. In this way, new episodes can be recognised in good time and adequately mitigated and treated.

Typical warning signs of mental illness episodes are restlessness, fatigue, feeling overwhelmed, sleep disorders, concentration problems, social retreating, loss of interest, exhaustion, feeling physically unwell, irritability and changes in appetite.

The following tips can help you deal with mental illness warning signs: get to know your personal warning signs as well as possible. The earlier you notice changes in yourself or others, the better! Activate your social network, talk to people you trust and ask them for support. Try to reduce your stress levels by delegating tasks, for example. Focus your attention on self-care, regular exercise and relaxation. If you have the feeling that an episode of stress or illness is imminent, get in touch with your psychiatrist and/or your psychologist.

It is important to know that each sign on its own does not mean that you are at immediate risk. However, if several signs occur in combination over a longer period of time, this can announce a possible episode. Therefore: get to know yourself well so that you can recognise your personal early warning signs as quickly as possible and deal with them well, or support your loved ones if you notice any changes in them.

Do you know your personal warning signs? What stresses or episodes of illness do they announce? Would you like to deepen your knowledge about the topic and learn how to deal with those signs?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

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Early warning signs: Definition and handling - early warning signs - free initial session - changes - sleep disorders - episode
Early warning signs: Definition and handling - early warning signs - free initial session - changes - sleep disorders - episode