How altruism will enrich your life!

Creating space for altruism! How selflessness and consideration for others can change our lives for the better.

Creating space for altruism! - altruism - selflessness - helpful - trust - lack - gratitude - joy - self-image - self-worth - free initial session

Altruism means selflessness or a way of thinking and behaving that is characterised by consideration for others. Behaving altruistically in everyday life can mean that we act for the benefit of others while accepting disadvantages for ourselves. 

For example: someone pushes in front of us at the supermarket checkout. Our spontaneous reaction would probably be anger and a sense of deficiency, as we now have to wait longer in the queue and therefore lose valuable time of our day. 

But what if we’d realise that we actually have enough time on our hands? That we are taken care of and that we can calmly let this person, who is obviously in a hurry, go first?

And how would our thinking and behaviour change if we extended this to several areas of our lives and started sharing? Our time, our money, our space, our possessions. Without experiencing deficiency; because we can have trust that we are taken care of.

Creating space for altruism! Altruism can manifest itself in many ways. Whether it’s risking to arrive at work late to help an elderly person cross the street; offering to go get groceries for a neighbour with a leg in plaster twice a week; or getting involved in charitable aid projects such as the ‘red noses’ to bring a smile to the faces of people in hospital.

The effect of altruistic actions quickly becomes apparent – we are blessed by the joy and gratitude of those we encounter with altruism. The thought of having done something helpful for others strengthens our positive self-image and therefore also our self-worth. We can as well develop the confidence that we too will be met with altruism if we should urgently need it one day.

Can you imagine creating space for altruism in your life? Do you have ideas that you would like to realise? What skills and thought patterns could support you?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#altruism #time #selflessness #trust

Creating space for altruism! - altruism - selflessness - helpful - trust - lack - gratitude - joy - self-image - self-worth - free initial session