Recovery instead of despair: a good night’s sleep – every night!

A good night’s sleep – every night! Sometimes it can be difficult to relax, bring your day to a welcoming close and just let it be.

A good night's sleep - sleep hygiene - sleep - sleep disorders - insomnia - nightmares - free initial session - rituals - techniques - circles of thought

Sometimes it can be difficult to bring the past day to a close and just let it be. Encounters, thoughts, things said, things not said… all of this circles around in your head, makes you toss and turn restlessly and prevents you from sleeping.

If this happens from time to time, it doesn’t usually cause any significant distress. However, if you are regularly confronted with the inability to find restful and healthy sleep over a longer period of time, this can lead to considerable psychological and physical complaints. A distinction is made between the following sleep disorders, for example:

Difficulty falling asleep: Those affected often need several hours to fall asleep or even lie awake the entire night.

Difficulty sleeping through the night: Those affected are able to fall asleep in the evening, but wake up once or several times during the night and often need a long time to get back to sleep.

Early morning awakening: Those affected can fall asleep well in the evening and do not suffer from regular sleep interruptions during the night, but wake up noticeably early in the morning and therefore experience a significantly reduced total sleep time.

Excessive need for sleep: Although those affected sleep through the entire night, they don’t feel rested in the morning and therefore spend several hours of the following day sleeping.

Nightmares: Those affected are haunted by stressful negative dreams, contents still affecting them emotionally the next day.

A good night’s sleep! The psychological field of sleep hygiene offers a wide range of help to sustainably improve the quality of your sleep. For example, it can be helpful to create a bedtime ritual in which you focus on the positive and stimulating aspects of the day you have just experienced and also look ahead to possible positive events of the following day. What did you enjoy today? What are you grateful for? Where did you feel your strengths? Who did you feel connected to? What are you looking forward to tomorrow? These questions are combined with pleasant evening activities that help you to calm down and optimally prepare your body and mind for sleep.

Do you suffer from a sleep disorder? Would you like to improve your personal sleep hygiene and learn rituals and techniques to improve the quality of your sleep?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#sleep #thoughts #ritual #gratitude 

A good night's sleep - sleep hygiene - sleep - sleep disorders - insomnia - nightmares - free initial session - rituals - techniques - circles of thought