The art of cognitive restructuring – how your patterns of thought can change your life.

Changing thoughts: cognitive restructuring! The quality of your thoughts can influence your life to an astounding extent.

cognitive restructuring - thought patterns - thoughts - change - helpful - positive formulations - development - free initial session

Thoughts – something that is constantly with us throughout the day. Whether unconsciously or consciously, there is hardly a moment when we’re not thinking. Even when we sleep, our brain tends to send us thoughts in the form of dreams.

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” (Talmud)

How and what you think significantly determines how you feel in everyday life and in the totality of your lifespan. A practical exercise for this is to recognise negative thoughts, examine them and change them in a positive direction according to the principle of the 3C’s: “Catch it, check it, change it!”

The first step is to recognise a thought, because you can only work on thoughts that you’re aware of. The next step is to check the value of the thought. Is it beneficial and good for you? Perfect. However, if it has a negative effect on you, then it’s time to move on to the phase of changing the thought.

Changing thoughts: cognitive restructuring! For example, an unhelpful thought could be: ‘I am helpless’. Once you’ve identified the thought and recognised it as negative, you can try various restructuring options. For example: ‘I am actively taking control of my life’, ‘I am doing my best’ or ‘I’m allowed to accept help from others’. There is no defined right or wrong; the important thing is that you practise positive formulations and steer your thoughts in a direction that is helpful for your further development.

Would you like to learn how to optimise your thoughts with cognitive restructuring? How could working with this method change your life?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

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cognitive restructuring - thought patterns - thoughts - change - helpful - positive formulations - development - free initial session