The Butterfly Effect: 1 step – 1000 possible consequences!

1 step – 1000 possible consequences! Taking a look at the interconnectivity of the single parts of the world.

1 step - 1000 possible consequences! - effect - consequences - interconnectivity - chaos theory - lorenz - system - change - predictability - step - loss of control - illusion - trust - free initial session

According to the butterfly effect as described by E.N. Lorenz, the founder of chaos theory, the world is a complex system whose single parts are all closely interwoven. Due to this interconnectivity, every change in this system leads to a series of very different subsequent events, the significance of those events not being able to be directly assessed; to put it even more clearly, this means that any predictability with regard to the further development of the system can be ruled out.

Every step you take and every decision you make leads to one of 1000 possible outcomes.

Maybe you wake up late one morning, miss the bus, arrive late for an exam or an important work appointment, and you are incredibly annoyed about it. But what if this very event prevented something bad from happening to you or someone else? What if your lateness had some deeper meaning that you cannot yet comprehend with your current mental horizon? 

1 step – 1000 possible consequences! The theory of the butterfly effect can help us to learn to accept events in our lives more easily. We can’t know which of the thousand possible consequences will materialise when we take a step. On the one hand, this may seem like a loss of control because it deprives us of the illusion that we can realistically assess the consequences of our actions and thus act in a goal-orientated manner – on the other hand, we can also kick back and relax in this knowledge, trusting that we don’t always have to understand everything and that everything will be alright.

Have you ever had a butterfly effect moment? How do you feel about the thought of unpredictable consequences of your actions, those therefore being beyond your control?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#butterflyeffect #moments #purpose

1 step - 1000 possible consequences! - effect - consequences - interconnectivity - chaos theory - lorenz - system - change - predictability - step - loss of control - illusion - trust - free initial session