What role(s) are you actually playing in your life?
Psychologists and their “laser eyes” – a scary myth.
Do you dare being truly authentic and vulnerable?
Self-reflection: the key to yourself!
Does achieving goals really make you happy?
Your goals coming true – make it goals that fulfil you!
About bonding and healing – just by being you.
Johari: about a window, blind spots and your unconscious.
Why we need emptiness to refill our lives.
Grounding & anchoring: when life pulls you off your feet.
Why only one single moment really belongs to you!
The Butterfly Effect: 1 step – 1000 possible consequences!
About toxic relationship patterns and sharpening our critical eye.
Mental Health Monday – CW45: Let’s talk about red flags and toxicity!
Our choice of partner in the context of friendly or romantic relationships is decisive for our quality of life. The…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW44: Let’s talk about who you really are!
Ever felt low and miserable, feeling like you’re not worthy, skilled, lovable or whatever? Underestimating yourself, nowadays often called Imposter…
Mental Health Monday – CW44: Let’s talk about cognitive restructuring!
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW43: Let’s talk about a good opportunity!
Everyday life presents us with pleasant and unpleasant things. It is usually quite easy for us to view pleasant things…
Mental Health Monday – CW43: Let’s talk about your safe space!
The safe space is a common imagination technique from the field of relaxation training. Find a quiet spot where you…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW42: Let’s talk about the unbelievable!
The truth of the unbelievable can reveal itself to us in many ways. Be it through a gut feeling; a…
Mental Health Monday – CW42: Let’s talk about medication!
Psychopharmacological medication can be a helpful support in combination with clinical-psychological or psychotherapeutic treatments. Depending on the type of medication,…
Friday Funnies – CW41: You’ll never know for sure…
No, seriously: of course psychologists and other professionals don’t know what you’re thinking! We don’t have x-ray vision and we…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW41: Let’ s talk about the truth!
Let’s start by saying that the ultimate, objective truth doesn´t seem to exist. Every person has their own perception, formed…
Mental Health Monday – CW41: Let’ s talk about the biopsychosocial model!
The biopsychosocial model is a widely used approach to explaining the development of health or illness. It illustrates the interplay…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW40: Let’ s talk about countries and borders!
Countries, borders, visas, laws – when travelling, we often ask ourselves why we have to deal with so much bureaucracy…
Mental Health Monday – CW40: Let’s talk about altruism!
Altruism means selflessness or a way of thinking and behaving that is characterised by consideration for others. Behaving altruistically in…
Friday Funnies – CW39: Already had a cup of Anxietea this morning?
Anxiety can crawl into your mind and tell you that literally EVERYTHING is totally wrong – up to “being just…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW39: Let’s talk about the golden cage of society!
Feeling trapped by society – a controversial topic, as society gives us rules, routines, consistency and therefore a sense of…
Mental Health Monday – CW39: Let’s talk about the vicious cycle of anxiety!
Anxiety – a vicious cycle. Once it’s got a hold of us, the cycle often begins to spin relentlessly –…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW35: Let’s talk about curiosity!
What if we approached things that frighten us with curiosity instead of fear? What if we actively took the time…
Mental Health Monday – CW35: Let’s talk about phobias!
Phobias are anxiety disorders that are focused on specific and very individual objects or situations. Well-known and widespread phobias are…
Friday Funnies – CW34: Let’s talk about asking for support!
When we’re asked how we’re doing it’s a common response to tell people we’re fine. In most cultures it’s even…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW34: Let’s talk about making room for the pain!
Feeling physical and psychological pain is not easy to bear. We would prefer to push the pain away; to get…
Mental Health Monday – CW34: Let’s talk about depression!
Depression is a mental health disease that affects roughly 4,4% of people worldwide according to the WHO. This is an…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW33: Let’s talk about manifestation!
Today’s Wednesday Wonder tells us about the magic of manifestation. What we think and believe affects our feelings, what we…
Mental Health Monday – CW33: Let’s talk about the miracle question!
A popular exercise in psychology is the so-called miracle question. It gives you the opportunity to briefly remove yourself from…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW32: Let’s talk about being heard!
We as human beings have a basic need to be truly seen and heard with all our hopes, dreams, worries…
Mental Health Monday – CW32: Let’s talk about accepting your negative emotions!
Feeling negative emotions can weigh heavily on us. Whether it’s sadness, anger, shame, guilt, frustration, disappointment, fear… we often wish…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW31: Let’s talk about cherishing every waking moment!
Waking up every morning might be the most underrated gift ever. What does it imply, to wake up every day?…
Mental Health Monday – CW31: Let’s talk about a good night’s sleep!
Sometimes it can be difficult to bring your day to a close and just let it be. People you’ve met,…
Friday Funnies – CW30: Let’s talk about good decisions!
As we were talking about how to take good decisions and learning to know what we truly want… engage in…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW30: Let’s talk about your wishes!
“If you don’t know exactly what you want, you will live according to the desires of others.” From “What do…
Mental Health Monday – CW30: Let’s talk about your inner team!
Have you ever had difficulties taking decisions? This includes small everyday decisions as well as larger, potentially life-changing ones. It…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW29: Let’s talk about quality time!
Quality time is the currency of relationships – what does that even mean? We can talk about any kind of…
Mental Health Monday – CW29: Let’s talk about your identity!
Our identity is formed by genetic predispositions, by the experiences throughout the course of our lives, by our thoughts, feelings,…
Friday Funnies – CW28: Let’s talk about overthinking!
Do you catch yourself overthinking sometimes? Are you having things running around your head that nobody else seems to care…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW28: Let’s talk about truly being seen!
What’s the difference between looking at something and really seeing something? In the first case, we are fleeting, distractible; ready…
Mental Health Monday – CW28: Let’s talk about sensory perception!
Do you sometimes wish to fully appreciate a certain moment? Have you ever wanted to savour a situation or sensation…
Friday Funnies – CW27: Let’s talk about self-love!
Self-love – an often-used term with great resonance. What does it actually mean? Do I love myself when I basically…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW27: Let’s talk about being comfortable within yourself!
Sometimes we don’t feel comfortable where we are. We think that if only we could be somewhere else, everything would…
Mental Health Monday – CW27: Let’s talk about mindfulness!
What we as human beings perceive when we say “now” only lasts 2-3 seconds. Everything that happens before this is…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW26: Let’s talk about abundance!
The experience of happiness or frustration does not depend on the actual situation we find ourselves in. It’s our personal…
Mental Health Monday – CW26: Let’s talk about self-kindness!
Are you actually kind to yourself? Do you regularly do things that make you feel happy and alive? Do you…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW25: Let’s talk about your visions!
Now that we’ve talked about visualisation on Monday, let’s turn our attention to your visions. Having dreams, goals and visions…
Mental Health Monday – CW25: Let’s talk about visualization!
What do vision boards and psychosomatics have in common? Everyone’s talking about vision boards. A pictorial representation of personal dreams and…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW24: Let’s talk about asking for help!
Many of us grew up with the belief that it’s weak to ask for help. We may think: if you…
Mental Health Monday – CW24: Let’s talk about early warning signs!
Early warning signs are what we can observe before an episode of psychological stress or illness occurs. Each sign alone…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW23: Have you been breathing today?
Weird question, isn’t it? Maybe not as weird as it might seem, because there’s actually a huge difference between “breathing”…
Mental Health Monday – CW23: Let’s talk about abdominal breathing!
Our breathing – the most natural thing in the world. Really? Since our breathing is controlled automatically by the autonomic…
Friday Funnies – CW22: Let’s talk about wearing masks!
How often are you asked about your well-being and you pretend to be “fine”, even though you don’t feel it?…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW22: Let’s talk about your date with life!
“Our date with life takes place in the present moment; and the meeting point is exactly where we are.” Don’t…
Mental Health Monday – CW22: Let’s talk about handling your emotions!
Sometimes we tend to push our emotions away. We want to get rid of them, especially if they are negative…
Friday Funnies – CW21: Let’s talk about unpleasant truths!
Comforting lies or unpleasant truths? Comfort zone or confrontation? Eyes closed or eyes wide open? Which queue will I meet…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW21: Let’s talk about your truth!
Getting a better understanding of your emotions and needs is the key to understanding and getting to know yourself. When…
Mental Health Monday – CW21: Let’s talk about basic emotions!
Our basic emotions are the ones we’re born with. They show up in every person regardless of their specific socialization.…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW20: Let’s talk about your spirit!
Spirit: what is that anyway? Call it your mind, your psyche, the universe, God, a higher power or your personal…
Mental Health Monday – CW20: Let’s talk about relaxation!
Yes, life is busy. Yes, it’s super hard to take time to relax. If you’re stressed enough to not have…
Wonders of Wednesday – CW19: Let’s talk about gratitude!
Practice being grateful in as many situations as possible. It’s beautiful to experience gratitude if things turned out your way.Can…
Mental Health Monday – CW19: Let’s talk about collecting happiness!
Being grateful can allow us to get a new perspective on life on a daily basis. If you’re feeling good, collect…