The magical miracle question! A magic fairy visits you secretly at night while you sleep and makes all your worries disappear…

A popular exercise in psychology is the so-called miracle question. It gives you the opportunity to briefly remove yourself from your (possibly stressful) reality and imagine a state without any worries or problems.
The miracle question is part of the imagination and visualization techniques. A mental scene is created in which a desired state that you have been longing for appears in front of your inner eye. You can now move freely in this scene and observe the extent to which achieving this desired state feels good and right for you, what you would like to do with your newly gained energy and how other people might react to you in this new state. For example, you could be asked the miracle question as follows:
A magic fairy visits you secretly at night while you are asleep and makes all your worries disappear. But since you are asleep while she visits you, you don’t notice her presence and her magical actions.
Now you can ask yourself the following questions: when you wake up in the morning, how would you first notice that the magic fairy was with you during the night? How would you feel? What would you think? What would you do first? What would you feel in your body?
Then you can extend your reflections to the outside world: who of your loved ones would notice first of all that the magic fairy had visited you? What exactly would this person notice? How would they feel towards you, what would they think, how would they behave?
The magical miracle question! Have you ever tried an imagination like the miracle question? Would you like to experience and reflect on this exercise under professional guidance?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
#miraclequestion #change #psychology