“Red flags” & toxic relationships – how to spot them, learn to deal with them and keep them out of your life!

Our choice of partner in the context of friendly or romantic relationships is decisive for our quality of life. The harmony or disharmony that we experience in our relationships has an effect on the regulation of our nervous system and can lead to feelings of happiness when things are going well, or to symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness, sleeping disorders, depressed mood, etc. when things are going badly.
When choosing a partner, some people follow unconscious patterns that repeatedly make them feel attracted them to people with toxic behaviour. As a first step, it is important to become aware of this tendency, because only then can the causes of the perceived attraction be gradually addressed. Therefor it can make sense to seek support and talk to a specialist in psychological therapy.
The question is: which behaviours should be classified as toxic? Typical “red flags” include, for example: possessiveness, excessive jealousy, recurring lies, sneakiness, imposing opinions on you, rejecting your friends and family, ridiculing your beliefs, moodiness, manipulation, insults, physical violence, blaming you, sexual assault (perhaps disguised as “playful experimentation”), regular use of alcohol or drugs, overstepping your boundaries and invading your privacy.
It is important to keep an eye on the personality traits and behavior of potential relationship partners and to be clear about what we want from a relationship.
“Red flags” & toxic relationships – not every “red flag” on its own is automatically a reason to leave – but the combination of several toxic signs and the personal feeling of not being 100% comfortable with a person should give us a pause for second thoughts.
Are you having difficulties distancing yourself from toxic relationship partners? Would you like to learn to take better care of yourself?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
#redflag #relationships #toxic