When life treats you with some good opportunities!

Today: a good opportunity! How to effectively turn well-known daily hassles into lots of good opportunities.

Today: a good opportunity! - opportunities - free initial session - anger - rage - acceptance - reactions - positive - negative

Everyday life presents us with pleasant and unpleasant things. It is usually quite easy for us to view pleasant things positively, but how can we also adopt a positive approach to the unpleasant things?

When negative things happen to us in our everyday lives, we often let them drag us down. We get extremely annoyed that this or that doesn’t work as we’d planned. Sometimes this bothers us for a short time – but sometimes our anger grows bigger and bigger and thus can overshadow the rest of the day.

Fact is: we have less control over things that happen to us in our daily lives than we’d like. As soon as we become aware of this fact, we can begin to practise acceptance. And as soon as we’ve gained acceptance, we can think of adequate reactions to the given circumstances.

Today: a good opportunity! For example, if something happens that you don’t like, you can get very angry and upset about it, or you can ask yourself: ‘What could this be a good opportunity for?’. 

If you are stressed and hardly have time to eat, you could spend the day consciously fasting.

If your internet connection fails, you could go on a digital detox day and finally read a book in peace.

If a friend cancels an activity, you could decide to tackle it alone and curiously venture out of your comfort zone.

What examples can you think of spontaneously where, looking back, you spent your time getting angry instead of seeing a good opportunity? Would you like to learn to train your mind to recognize good opportunities frequently and more easily?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#opportunity #positive #conscious

Today: a good opportunity! - opportunities - free initial session - anger - rage - acceptance - reactions - positive - negative