Just by being you – how we can be invaluably healing for others without even realising it. Let’s never underestimate our “echo”!

If we feel good about someone, we can simply be ourselves with that person; we don’t even have to think too much about it. But never we should underestimate the effect our being and doing can have on others.
Sometimes what we have said echoes in the minds of others years later. Maybe someone catches themselves using a certain word one day and remembers hearing it from you for the first time. Maybe someone will listen to a song enthusiastically that they heard in your car for the very first time, a long time ago. Maybe in the distant future, someone will think about why he:she always lights an incense stick while watching TV in the evening and then realises that he:she first learned about this ritual in your student flat an eternity ago.
You may have a conversation with someone on the train or bus in the course of your normal everyday life, and you may have sweetened their very stressful day with your openness and smile – without even realising it, just by being you. This ‘echo’ that we leave behind in others can lead to them falling asleep peacefully at night instead of being tormented by stressful thoughts. Let’s realise that this ‘echo’ exists and that we can have a healing effect on other people.
Let’s be mindful and conscious about that. Let’s make sure that our ‘echo’ can be a positive one – just by being you.
Who has inspired you in the course of your life and may have healed you a little with their thoughts or actions?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
#inspiration #enrichment #mindfulness