Happiness through goal achievement? As we grow up, we observe our surroundings and deduce what we want for ourselves.

We want to be a fireman or firewoman, an astronaut, a teacher or a nurse, we definitely want to get married and have two children, preferably a boy and a girl. A house of our own would be nice, if possible with a large garden and a dog.
Problems in achieving these goals can lead to life crises, as can the desire to throw everything overboard and replan.
Happiness through goal achievement? Not always, as a life crisis can also hit us if we achieve all our goals. We have literally spent our whole lives working towards these goals; what else should we strive for when we have finally found everything we ever wanted?
Striving for and achieving goals is a powerful motivator in life. Goals give us purpose and direction, they make it easier to get out of bed in the morning and give us the strength to accomplish our daily tasks.
However, it is important to note the following: an excessive focus on the past is associated with depression, while an excessive focus on the future can lead to the development of anxiety. Focusing on the present is associated with calmness and serenity.
When trying to achieve our goals, we tend to live in the future. We plan ahead, take appropriate steps, always want to make the best decisions, overlook the here and now – and run the risk of losing ourselves in perfectionism and anxiety. We are not able to practise mindfulness anymore; yet this is precisely what plays an important role in many definitions of happiness.
Set yourself great goals, let them inspire and motivate you – but don’t lose sight of the present moment during the process.
What goals are you currently pursuing? To what extent can the journey be the goal?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
#goals #achieve #lifecrisis