About feeling comfortable anywhere! Sometimes we don’t feel well. We think that if we could be somewhere else, everything would be better.

Our immediate surroundings do have a significant impact on how we feel. It can make a big difference whether we are sitting in the office at work or lying on the beach in Mexico with a cocktail in our hand. But we always take ourselves with us, wherever we go. If we’re feeling good, we can also feel good in our office. If we feel bad, we can also feel bad on the beach. A change of environment can be beneficial, but “escaping” from one place to another doesn’t heal our wounds and our pain.
Of course, it can be helpful for our well-being to avoid people and places that have a negative influence on us. Where we are not appreciated, offended or rejected, we can set clear boundaries and shift our presence to more pleasant atmospheres and more appreciative relationships. Our well-being will then tell us in real time whether we have made the right decision in our choice of where to be and who to form our relationships with.
About feeling comfortable anywhere! However, when we realise that we always take ourselves with us wherever we go, the most important thing in the course of our development process will no longer be where we are, but how comfortable we feel within ourselves. We shall learn to live with ourselves. We can experience that we’re holding the key to making a place “good” – “Every place is amazing, because I am there.”
How quickly can you feel comfortable and safe in new places? In your opinion, are external environmental factors or internal factors that are rooted in yourself decisive?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
#wellbeing #places #office #beach #escape