Quality time: fulfilling relationships! Why the quality of the time we spend together is crucial for our relationships.

“Quality time is the currency of relationships” – what does that even mean? We can talk about any kind of relationship here; be it kinship, friendship, romantic love or even the relationship with hobby or work colleagues. What makes these relationships special, what gives them meaning? What makes them enjoyable in our lives?
To begin with, it makes sense to ask ourselves what makes a relationship “good” in our eyes and how we want to define “quality time” in the first place. How do you know that you feel really comfortable with someone? What is essential in a relationship for you to be able to fully let go?
For some, this may be absolute trust, deep conversations, shared interests, shared religious or spiritual beliefs, shared activities, regular physical contact or laughing heartily about the same things; for others, the quality component of the relationship may be sharing silence, working through conflict together, sharing responsibility fairly or being able to admit mistakes to each other.
As soon as we know which components give our relationships quality, we can, on the one hand, specifically intensify those relationships in which these components are already present and, on the other hand, try to develop these components in other relationships.
Of course the sun doesn’t always shine in every relationship, and even in very good relationships it doesn’t shine all the time. However, we can significantly influence our relationship-‘weather’ by making sure we regularly make space for quality time. This should be a time to schedule sufficient and exclusive time for each other, without distractions from the outside. A time in which we experience pleasant things, and in which the stressful obligations of daily life are consciously put away. In this way, we show the other person how important they are to us and how much we value our time together.
Quality time: fulfilling relationships! What about quality time in your relationships? Would you like to find out how you can intensify your quality time and experience your relationships even more consciously?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
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