Healing by creating space for our pain!

Creating space for pain! Those who feel pain often want to push it away – but healing only succeeds if we give our pain some space.

creating space for pain! pain - healing - space - time - distraction - overstimulation - sex - addictive substances - drugs - alcohol - repression - free initial session

Feeling physical and psychological pain is not easy to bear. We would prefer to push the pain away; to get rid of it with distraction, sensory overload, external validation, shopping, sex, alcohol, drugs or the like.

Only rarely do we realize that the convulsive attempt to get rid of and eliminate pain prevents us from adequately dealing with this feeling, which is an inevitable part of life. Through the mechanism of pushing it away and suppressing it, we may not have to deal with the pain temporarily – but in the long run it will make its way back into our consciousness and make us aware that we should work though it and give it space.ive substances or the like.

Pain is not there for no reason, it has a right to exist. Pain can be caused by physical injury, neglect or illness; from a psychological point of view it can be caused by hurtful comments, belittlement, loss and separation, symptoms of mental illness, jealousy, lack of self-esteem, increasing stress, unsatisfactory social support and much more. The reasons are many and varied, and reflecting on the origins, on what our pain wants to tell us and what it needs from us in order to be able to leave, is essential for a healthy and strengthening healing process.

Creating space for pain! Our pain can only dissolve if we dedicate ourselves to it, accept and embrace it, give it time and create space. If we understand the causes and reasons for our pain, we can better illuminate how we can deal with it until we are finally allowed to heal.

Have you already had different experiences of how you can deal with pain in a beneficial way? Would you like to reflect on your personal approach to this topic and explore how you can give your pain space and then say goodbye to it?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#pain #time #understanding

creating space for pain! pain - healing - space - time - distraction - overstimulation - sex - addictive substances - drugs - alcohol - repression - free initial session