Self-love: feeling it? Self-love, as the ability to accept and appreciate ourselves, is essential for our mental well-being.

Self-love – what does that actually mean? Do I love myself when I basically like myself the way I am? Do I love myself when I take good care of myself despite some seemingly unlovable attributes? Do I love myself when I surround myself with people who support me and deny access to those who demotivate me?
Psychologically, the concept of self-love is an important foundation for healthy interpersonal relationships, emotional resilience, self-care, self-actualisation and self-worth. Self-love does not mean putting yourself above others or being selfish, but finding a balance between self-acceptance and the pursuit of personal growth. In terms of self-care, it is important to pay attention to your own needs and give yourself space for relaxation and personal fulfilment. In turn, a healthy self-esteem arises when we perceive ourselves as valuable and lovable, regardless of external judgements or successes. People who develop self-love have the ability to recognise their faults and weaknesses without devaluing or judging themselves.
Techniques such as mindfulness and meditation have proven to be effective in strengthening self-love. They help to break through negative thought patterns and change one’s perception for the better. The psychological perspective on self-love shows that it is not only an inner attitude, but also a lifelong practice that positively influences both individual well-being and relationships with others.
Self-love can be beautiful. But self-love can also be damn hard. Whether we love ourselves or not, we are bound to ourselves our entire lives; we have to deal with ourselves every single day. Other people are basically optional – we ourselves are not. Therefore – wouldn’t it make sense to love ourselves while going through life?
Self-love: feeling it? How strong is your understanding of self-love and what are you actively doing to practise it in your daily life? Would you like to learn psychological techniques to develop and strengthen your self-love?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
#selflove #life #selfcare #relationships