Are you choosing a life in deficiency or abundance?

Experiencing deficiency or abundance? The perception of happiness or distress doesn’t depend on the actual situation you find yourself in.

Experience deficiency or abundance? - deficiency - abundance - perspective - free initial session - stress - relaxation

How we perceive and interpret a situation does not depend directly on the actual situation we find ourselves in. Rather, it is our personal perspective on a situation that triggers feelings such as stress and strain or relaxation and satisfaction. From this we can deduce that it is not the situation itself that stresses us out, but our very own interpretation of the situation.

Perhaps you have already experienced how differently people interpret situations. A traffic jam on the highway may stress you out immensely, but leave your partner completely cold. Conversely, your best friend may be stressed about a letter from the authorities in the letterbox, while you don’t worry too much about it.

With this knowledge, we also realise that our interpretation of a situation determines whether we perceive it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – without the situation itself being ‘good’ or ‘bad’. And now the question as to your preferred perspective arises: do you want to look at life from the perspective of deficiency or abundance?

Imagine any everyday situations from your life. What happens to your feelings when you look at them from the perspective of deficiency? What changes when you switch to the perspective of abundance? How does your state of mind change when, instead of feeling frustration and indignation that someone is pushing in front of you at the supermarket checkout, you feel abundance and gratitude because you realise that you still have enough time and that this is a wonderful thing to enjoy? That you can share your space and your time, perhaps even your possessions, because you are sufficiently taken care of?

Experiencing deficiency or abundance? A conscious decision in favour of a life in abundance can change your attitude towards yourself and your view of the world in the long term. Do you want to reflect on how you can integrate the perspective of abundance into your life?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#deficiency #abundance #decision #gratitude

Experience deficiency or abundance? - deficiency - abundance - perspective - free initial session - stress - relaxation