One moment for you! Why the present moment is the only one that really belongs to you & what you can do to make it a 100% yours.

„Happy is who knows that only one single moment really belongs to them.”
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is often difficult to pause for thought. We chase from one appointment to the next, are always ahead of the present moment in our minds, worrying about the hours or days ahead – and lying awake at night thinking about the past.
Psychologically speaking, anxiety disorders are often caused by living in the future and depression by being too rooted in the past. However, if you want to experience happiness and serenity, you have to live in the present. Because life only happens in the present, only in the NOW.
If you want to live in the present, you have to be mindful – and you can only be mindful if you are aware of the “here & now”. How long do you think the concept of “NOW” lasts for the human brain?
From a scientific point of view, this duration is about 3 seconds.
These 3 seconds, this tiny moment, is the only one we can experience and perceive right now. Everything before is the past, everything after is already the future. Only in this single moment can we feel our feelings, hear our thoughts and choose our behaviour.
One moment for you! 3 seconds to be happy about a beautiful encounter; 3 seconds to cry about a missed opportunity; 3 seconds to be angry about a crossed boundary – and if we want, we can repeat these 3 seconds indefinitely; we can decide how we live our present moment.
In order to become fully aware of this one present moment, we need to train the concept of mindfulness. Mindfulness means being aware of what is going on inside and around you right now – and being able to respond appropriately.
How much can you live in and appreciate the present moment? Would you like to train your ability to be mindful?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
#moment #happiness #mindfulness