Visions: who, if not you, and when, if not now?

Visions: boost your motivation! Having dreams, goals and visions energises us and makes us wake up more motivated in the morning.

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Visions of the future exert a strong motivational influence on people. They provide orientation and a clear focus that helps people to define and pursue their goals. Psychologically, a vision acts as a guide to help you overcome challenges and persevere through difficult times. A clear vision of a better future creates a sense of control and security, which boosts your confidence in your own abilities.

Your motivation is strengthened by defined visions of the future because these are often associated with positive emotions such as hope, joy and pride. When people are able to vividly visualise their future, a sense of urgency and drive is created. They feel motivated to take specific steps to achieve their goals as they visualise the positive consequences. Visualising the future helps to overcome self-doubt and anxiety, as short-term setbacks can be better accepted and dealt with in handsight of the long-term goal.

Visions: boost your motivation! If you have a goal or a dream, no matter how ‘crazy’ or ‘impossible’ it may seem – who should be able to realise it if not you? And when should you realise your dreams if not now? It’s in your hands. You decide what is possible in your life. Waiting for the right time is healthy and right; but don’t fall into the trap of always postponing your dreams until ‘tomorrow’ or ‘someday’. Perhaps the right time is NOW. Perhaps a ‘daily goal’ is sometimes enough to motivate you for the next 24 hours. But even big, initially unimaginable dreams can and should have a place. A regular reality check creates clarity and allows you to optimise your goals.

What dreams and visions of the future do you have in mind right now? What do you need to turn them into reality?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#visualisation #dreams #goals #visions #now

visions: boost your motivation! - motivation - visions - dreams - free initial session - goals