Watch your belief systems! Are your beliefs and guidelines that determine your feelings and actions in everyday life actually your own?

Let’s start by saying that the ultimate, objective truth doesn´t seem to exist. Every person has their own perception, formed by thoughts and feelings; we´re creating our own highly personal, subjective truth through our perception of life and the world.
As we grow up, our perception is primarily shaped by our early experiences. These are experiences with early caregivers such as parents, grandparents or teachers – we form our ideas about ourselves, life and the world based on their thoughts, feelings and actions. We begin to develop so-called belief systems and mental guidelines, which are deeply rooted in our subconscious and influence our existence from then on.
If these are healthy, helpful belief systems, as we’ve had the chance to grow up with healthy, loving people, these belief systems will strengthen us and guide us through life in a supportive way. However, if we’ve had to grow up with destructive people, we may have absorbed negative belief systems that are not conducive to our development.
Depending on your disposition and character, such negative belief systems may at some point clash with your own deeply rooted truth – this then manifests itself in physical and psychological stress.
In this process, it is important to reflect if the thoughts and guidelines that determine your feelings and actions in everyday life are actually your own or if you’ve inherited them from early caregivers in childhood and adolescence, even though they don’t really fit you and maybe even create barriers and boundaries that you want to break through?
Watch your belief systems! A fulfilled life requires that we get to know ourselves well and find out what our truth is and how we want to shape our life accordingly.
What is your truth? Do you want to learn how to reflect on your belief systems and mental guidelines to optimize them?
Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!
#truth #perception #life