Psychological expertise – limits & possibilities

About psychological expertise – why psychologists don’t have second sight and yet sometimes have an inkling of what’s going on in people.

About psychological expertise - therapy - clairvoyance - empathy - feeling seen - feeling heard - feelings - facial expressions - gestures - free initial session - second sight

Even if it is a widespread belief in society, psychologists and other helping professionals do not have second sight and know what you are thinking at all times. We don’t have x-ray vision, we can’t screen anyone and you don’t have to constantly watch out when talking to us. However, our professional experience has trained us to be sensitive and empathetic. This helps us in our psychological work to respond accordingly to the needs of our clients and to provide them with the best possible support.

During our training and in the course of practical work, we learn how to recognise the emotional states of our clients based on their words, facial expressions and gestures. These hunches can be used to generate further questions or provide input. This is done in the context of regular feedback to the client on what is perceived, which means that you as a client are actively involved in the process.

The ability of psychologists to empathise with their counterparts allows them to introduce a particularly important component into psychological therapy – we can set a strong focus on truly seeing and hearing our clients and accepting them as they are.

On the client side, this creates the pleasant feeling of finally being fully seen, heard and understood – some clients report experiencing this feeling for the first time in their lives.

About psychological expertise: psychologists, like all other people, are dependent on being told by our clients, in their own words, how they are feeling and what they need from us. By asking specific questions, we can help to reflect and communicate feelings and concerns. So the more clearly you communicate your needs to your psychologist and other helping professionals, the better they can help you to improve your well-being and achieve your goals.

Do you have experience with psychological therapy? If yes, did you feel seen and heard? If not, would you like to enjoy this experience?

Let’s talk about it in a free initial session!

#future #professionalexperience #needs #goals

About psychological expertise - therapy - clairvoyance - empathy - feeling seen - feeling heard - feelings - facial expressions - gestures - free initial session - second sight